UnshortUrl(): Support for Browser Redirects

It appears that UnshortUrl() only follows server-side redirects. Please add support for browser redirects also.

Lately, I see more sites using '307 Temporary Redirects'. These are actually browser redirects, not server-side as the '30x' code might imply (https://plus.google.com/+JohnMueller/posts/E4PqAhRJB2V).

For example, the following results in 'Error:Loop ...':

=UnshortUrl( UrlProperty("express.com", "absolute") )


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Thank you, I have reported this to Niels.


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I'm also interested in this fix. The site I work with does a lot of these software redirects


Would like to see UnshortUrl follow meta redirects and javascript redirects as well. Unfortunately the end URL in seotools isn't the end URL in a browser.