I suppose, we have here to deal with six kinds of query, where the first, domain.overview
, contains the other five.
We can query domain.overview
, like with https://api.sistrix.com/domain.overview?api_key=$key&domain=amazon.com
- as result of this single request we get all five metrics:
- domain.sichtbarkeit,
- domain.pages,
- domain.age,
- domain.kwcount.seo,
- domain.kwcount.sem.
And, we can query each metric by its own, like i.e. https://api.sistrix.com/domain.sichtbarkeitsindex?api_key=$key&domain=amazon.com
. In this case we get as response only one metric, which we queried.
I think, the connector should select what to query on the following way:
If Domain Overview
is selected as query type, this shouldn't mean, Connector starts a query of the type domain-overview
It should just mean, we have possibilities to select queries from this query type.
The query from the type domain-overview
should be started exactly in the one case, namely under following circumstances:
Domain Overview
is selected as query type
ALL fields checkboxes are checked
In any other case Connector should send as much queries à row as much checkboxes were checked by user.
Means: if i check Sichtbarkeitsindex
and Pages
and want to check certain domain, Connector sends two queries:
You are absolutely right, the way to request multiple metrics with single query would be time and traffic-saving.
But the Sistrix API has no possibility to define inside of generalized query (domain.overview
), which parts of it should become response part.