SeoTools Blocked by Akamai?

Our IT team has recently implemented Akamai's CDN for our domain, Since then, we can no longer use SeoTools on Even basic functions such as this fail:
=HttpStatus( "" )

We've tried using different user-agents, proxies, etc, but nothing has worked. We have no problems using our other tools such as Screaming Frog. Is there anything that can be changed in how SeoTools makes its http queries?

Otherwise, can anyone suggest a workaround?

Hi WolfeDen, I've stumbled upon your question.
Have you managed somehow? I'm experimenting the same issue with Akamai.


Hi, @MarcoCastaldi.

Yes, I was finally able to resolve this problem and the solution is outlined in my reply to this related post.

I hope that helps! Feel free to PM me if I can answer any questions.

-Tim W.