SEO Tools crawling using outdated browser

Hi guys!

I am having issues crawling some pages (like this one: When I use SEO Tools to 'Get Text on URL' I can tell that it says I am using an outdated browser.

I tried following the blueprint on this page to change the user agent, but I was not successful. Can anyone else get that to work? I was equally unable to 'extract' any content from that particular page with Screaming Frog (no matter which user agent I choose + told it to render javascript).

Can anyone help with this? :blush: Would be greatly appreciated.

Yeah, that site generates content with javascript and SeoTools doesn't support this (yet!).

You can use the Phantom JS Connector to grab the content:

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Works like a charm Diskborste! Thanks for such a helpful quick relpy! :blush:

I went back to my old work and tried to get it to work, but I get a weird message


I have a valid a PhantomJS Cloud API with credits. URL responds, and xpath should be right.. I don't really see how this could go wrong.

Anyone who has an idea? :slight_smile:

It is still working for me. Can you try with another xpath for another site with you know with 100% certainty is correct?

Here is the formula I'm using:
=Connector("PhantomJsCloud.XPath";"";"//div[@class='col-sm-6 col-md-3']/p[@class='ng-binding']";;TRUE;"us")