Search Console URL Inspection API

Any chance we’ll see a new Connector for this just-announced API?

Welcoming the new Search Console URL Inspection API | Google Search Central Blog | Google Developers


Hi Rich,

Sure, I've added this endpoint to the Search Console connector :slight_smile:

Hi @diskborste,

when or how will this change appear in the connectors manager so that I can update? :slight_smile:

Hi, it should be available now:

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Hi @diskborste,

we have a problem with the current implementation.
Our Use Case is to get the lastCrawl-Date from a list of URLs using the Formula. The Problem here is that SEOTools is caching the request from the first URL and the result comes from cache - so we have to clear the cache per URL.
Is there a way to change the behaviour so that the request is really individual once the inspection url changes?

I've updated the connector without caching.

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