We know, there are pretty much images in the wild web, which physical size (naturalWidth, naturalHeight) are much bigger, than the rendering place, which is applyied to them by CSS and HTML by browser. These are pretty annoying parameters, specially if we go on the image compression - because image compression remains ineffectiv, if real size of the image remains higher, than it should.
ImageProperty gives us the possibility to get width and height of the rendered image size. But what is with naturalWidth and naturalHeight? To get them both it needs just some short Javascript lines, like here: https://goo.gl/R2QQg3 - this code prints naturalWidth and naturalHeigfht into console.log
img = document.getElementById('image');
img.addEventListener('load', function() {
console.log('width', img.naturalWidth);
console.log('height', img.naturalHeight);
#image {
width: 200px;
<img id="image" src="http://i.imgur.com/PDE3MLe.jpg" />
If any cool hacker would extend the ImageProperty function of SeoTools by this Javascript - this would be such a quick win and great deal, gulls and guys!
BTW: is it just by accident, that the Spider@SeoTools doesn't have the option ImageProperties?