Price Scraper with XPathOnURL does not renew prices

I am building a small price scarper with XPathOnURL. On every formula I build XPathOnURL gets the correct price data.
So far so good.
But my Excel 64 Bit is not updating any data when I open the Excelsheet the next day. It does not fetch the new prices by itselft, not by pressing F9, not by pressing Shift F9. If I go to a cell with a XPathOnURL-formula in it and then hit enter on that cell, it fetches the new price for that cell. But that is not the idea :wink:
What am I doing wrong? How can the hole Excelsheet (aka prices by XPathOnURL) be renewed automatically?
Thanks for any idea or solution.

Just found this by accident and I thought I'd answer even though it is an older question.

You could just copy the price formula from the first cell into the next column, update the cell if the reference is wrong and then drag it down or double-click the lower right corner of the cell..
That works for me. That way you also have the price history and can see price changes, especially if you used conditional formatting.

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