Opening troubles

HI, I did not succeed in opening SeoTools. After I opened the .xll file I have error message (with 64bits version) :
Н!ёLН!This program cannot be run in DOS
I read on other posts to try with 32bits version, but nothing happens when I open the .xll file
I already updated .net version and 4.6 version is now ok on my PC. Please could help me?

Hey @galliryc,

What version of Windows are you on?

Hi, I am on Windows 8.1

I have the same problem.

I have just installed Office 2016 on Win10 and this happens using using O16, but not the old O10, so seems to be down to the version of office you're using.

I don't think so since Im currently using Office 2007

If you see a lot of weird characters you using the wrong version. Try 32 instead of 64. We're working on an installer to make this process a lot easier.

tks, I already tried 32 version but nothing happens when I open; I have no tabs (on page, offpage, etc.)

@gallirycCheck if SeoTools has been disabled

no it's not disabled, and i see it in add-ins list

do you have an other idea? :slight_smile: