OPENAI Connector

Hi, I try to use the OpenAI connector which was working well and does not work anymore.

I have added the API and try to use the connector but I have the following answer : "

Exception: Exception
Message: The model 'i^t-4-32k' does not exist or you do not have access to it. Learn more: articles/7102672-how-can-i-access-gpt-4."

and if I try to use ChatGPT 3,5 I have another error

Exception: Exception
Message: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.

How can I make it work again ?


Regarding first error, the gpt-4-32k model is not available to everyone yet:

Regarding quota, it sounds as if you don't have enough credits in your account.

The described second case also occurs with me. How can I solve the problem? For me, the topic is still new and I do not know quite further. What is meant by the fact that the credits are used up?
Thank you very much.
Best regards Felix

How do I change my openAI API key after this is installed?

You click on the Settings button inside the OpenAI connector taskpane to the left: