Moved, Renamed or Deleted

I have just changed my laptop and have reinstalled SeoTools. However, I now get the error EVERY time that I open Excel, which says;

Sorry, we couldn't find C:\Program Files (x86)\SeoTool for Excel\SeoTools32.xll. Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted?

I have tried disabling the add in though Excel and I have rerun the SeoTools installer and asked it to uninstall. Nothing that I try is relieving the problem though.

Can you contact so we can dig into this issue?

I've been in touch as requested, but haven't yet had a response. Frustrated that there seems to be no way to get rid of the product from my computer.

I have replied to your email.

Thank you for taking the time to remote on to my PC and fix this issue. I am very grateful and it does seem to have cleared things up.

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