Instagram scraper post like and coment

Hi, I am a new user of SEO Tools. Everything is fine in the Instagram Scraper connector, but the likes post and comments post only shows me the title, where is the problem?
Also, is there a way to scrap the list of followings of a page?

Hi, we are working on a solution for the Instagram Scraper. It is because Instagram requires you to be logged in so we are adding login support.

Followings is probably possible, but not sure how stable it is to scrape large volumes with batches of 12.

Excellent, now I see you have solved this problem with session ID.
Another point: is it possible to scrap the list of viewers of a video on Instagram? I think this is different from the number of likes.

Yes, but the solution with session id is not reliable and may lead to temporary block of the account, if you scrape too any posts/users.

Good suggestion, will look into it! :slight_smile:

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