Instagram comments returning blanks in v7

Hi, Noob here.
I've just started using SEOTools for Excel v7 to extract comments from an Instagram post using Post Comments connector. I've used what I thought was the ID (BSG8rJSDNQ3) of the post, but I get no data returned only the headers that I'd selected (i.e. ID, comment, created, user, name).

The same thing happens with Post Likes connector, however the Post Lookup returns data.
Any help very gratefully received!

Hi Bob,

Instagram has an internal ID system for all media and users. The ID you are referring to is known as "short code" and it not the ID the API requires. The correct ID is for your post is 1479136375332459575_1296964869 and you can extract this from the Post Id Lookup, using either your short code or the url.

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Thank you so much!
That is exactly what I needed.
This is a totally awesome toolset :smiley: