Hi there,
when checking HTTP Status Codes with SEOTools for Excel it responds with "404 Not Found" for certain pages suddenly.
https://www.witt-weiden.de/ - 200
https://www.witt-weiden.de/359980 - 200
https://www.witt-weiden.de/inspiration-bh-berater - 200
https://www.witt-weiden.de/damenmode - 200
https://www.witt-weiden.de/roecke - 404
https://www.witt-weiden.de/schuerzen - 404
https://www.witt-weiden.de/damen-shirtjacken - 404
https://www.witt-weiden.de/damen-shirts - 404
The 404-Pages are all from the same pagetype but don't know what could be the reason.
First I thought it's because SeoTools adds a trailing slash to all URLs and we changed the behavior to 404 on trailing-slash-variants. But then URLs like https://www.witt-weiden.de/inspiration-bh-berater should also send an 404-Error and that's not the case.
Any Ideas someone? @nielsbosma ?