Google Search results in blank

anybody sees why I get every result as blank?
Thanks !!

Hi, thank you for noticing this.

The News results has been remade and are generated by a different method compared to normal results. Had to remove it, together with sort option which Google removed a while back.

However, added domain and path fields, might be useful? Updated the connector if you want to try.

Is it impossible to get only news sites ? Im only interested in editorial content (newspapers, magazines, etc). Thanks

Not impossible but difficult. Have you tried DatafoSEO connector? It has a great Google News scraper among other things. Requires latest SeoTools build.

No. Not a free tool I guess?

Is it really difficult ? As difference in the URL I can see source=lnms&tbm=nws (difference between Google search and Google News)

I believe DataforSEO have some initial free requests for new users.

That part is easy, capturing URL, Title etc is harder.

Well, would need only URL or Domain

You can edit the existing connector file and add another connector for Google News. Copy paste the 'Search results' connector, add the URL parameter for news, then create a suitable XPath for the URL field.

Hmm not really sure how to do this

Any help ? Thanks !!

Where do I add the parameter ?

Make a copy of GoogleSearch.xml, change the Id and Title attributes on line 2, make a copy of the followig node, line 25 to 73, change Id and Title to "News" or something.

<RestConnector Id="SearchResults" Title="Search Results">

You can change the URL in the Fetch.Url node to include news results. Then adjust the Xpaths in the Parse node below.

don´t understand this:

And this, as in Spain we don't have "real" Google News, so there is no or available (

You can change the URL in the Fetch.Url node to include news results. Then adjust the Xpaths in the Parse node below.

Not sure what you mean but I believe one of these parameters sets results to news:

Still don't know exactly what to change...


You need a better text editor and some basic coding skills. Look in the 'Fetch' tag, this is where the URL is created.

unfinished guide

Well I have no coding skill, that's one reason why I use the plugin :grinning:
This wasn't the editor I used. I made the screenshot on the Mac.

OK, will read the guide. Thought it would faster copy & paste style...