Google Search Connector for Ads does not work anymore?!


unfortunately since the update for seot tools the Google search connector - only for GOOGLE ADS, does not work anymore :frowning:

I guess it might be a bug, because I haven´t change anything.

Could someone of the support team please check that?
At the moment the results are blank for every keyword, even it has lots of ads results.

For example: "hotel berlin"

I use this kind of formula: =Dump(Connector("GoogleSearch.Ads";Tabelle1!A5;;;"de";"relevance";2000;"Title,Description,Url";WAHR;2))

Thanks so far!

Thank you for reporting this. Google is constantly changing the website structure (especially for ads) which makes old connector code invalid.

I have updated the connector and it works for ads that looks like regular hits. Will need to work more on those that have thumbnails.

You can update via Manager:

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Wowww, thanks for your incredible fast support :slight_smile:

Wonderful :slight_smile:

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what has happened to the Ads Connector? '
Suddenly it disappeared?! :cry:

Are you sure, it should still be here:

Sorry for my late answer, but unfortunately the function doesn't seem to be available any more.

It used to be possible to display the number of ads per keyword.

I used this connector in Excel for this:
Dump (Connector ("GoogleSearch.Ads"; Table1! A5 ;;; "de"; 2000; FALSE; "Title, Url"; TRUE; 10))

Unfortunately, this retrieval seems to be no longer possible.

In addition, there has recently been the problem that a description is no longer displayed. Here I made another post:

Best regards,

We removed the Ads view, too difficult to maintain it with all rich snippets etc.

We have connectors which is dedicated to Google SERP and offers more value, such as DataForSEO and AccuAPI.

Fixed issue in other thread.