Google Search Connector - Description is Missing

Hi there,

Unfortunately, the Google Search query is currently no longer working properly.

In other words, no values ​​are displayed for the description, although some exist.

Until recently I was also able to use a trick, because wherever no description was given, this was the featured snippet.

Would it be possible to fix this and install an update?
A possibility to identify the featured snippets would be terrific.

I hope for quick help because I need the data for a project quickly.

Best regards, Stella


Thanks for pointing this out. I've updated the code (Google often changes the results page structure) and it should work if you update the connector:

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it's me again

I noticed that when I retrieve Google Search, position 0 is no longer displayed.

Is it possible to adjust that again? That would be great.

Here is an example keyword for Germany:
what do you do for your 60th birthday (German: was macht man zum 60 geburtstag) has the FS and is unfortunately not displayed when I call it up. Can you change that? Preferably with an empty description. Then I know that Google is playing an FS here.

Best regards from Berlin,

Yes, unfortunately Google keeps changing the HTML structure and I wasn't able to reliably get the description field for the latest update.

Thanks for the fast respond. It's always great.

Does it really not work to specify position 0 at all? The description is not necessary, only the URL for position 0?

Maybe there is a little "hack" ? Or an extra scraping just for featured snippets? I could then match them afterwards?

Would be great if it would work :smiley: Best regards, Stella