Google Analytics v4 Support - What's Up with Google Analytics 4?

Just encountered my first client that's using it.....when I go in there, I notice one interesting thing. There's no Views, just an account and a property (!). Weird.

Anyway, when I login and then make calls using SEOToolsForExcel, I get an error:
"User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile"

I'll poke around with my permissions, but is v4 even supported yet? Does it work? There is a thread from last November about it but the thread never really was resolved. Are there any tricks I need to employ to get it to work?

We have not yet implemented GA version 4.

Yikes! That's going to be heating up a lot

Just checked with another vendor, they said the final API docs aren't available from Google yet, sadly! I see where that's a problem geez!

This makes me feel better about not upgrading to V4 yet. I can’t do my job without SEOTools.

Is there perhapy any new info on this topic? Will SEOToolsForExcel be ready for Google Analytics 4 soon? The clock is ticking and I have to decide if I have to move to another solution than SEOToolsForExcel for accessing GA4 data. Therefore any insider info would be helpful for me

It will be ready before Google depreciates the old version. Unfortunately it takes time because the GA connector is hard-coded inside SeoTools code so it is difficult to convert to the new version.

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When do you anticipate this to be completed?

Added a beta connector of GA4. It does not have all functionality of the old connector but the main stuff like metrics and dimensions. Let me know if it works! Accessible in Manage -> SEO category.

How can I filter the data? Is it planned to have filter function? Also when I try to enter filter parameter directly in request (not using GUI), it does not work (e.g. "firstUserDefaultChannelGroup==Organic Search")

Filters, Sorting and Custom Dimensions/Metrics have not yet been added.

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I cannot find the GA4 connector. Has it been removed?

Are there news regarding Seotoolsforexcel capability with GA4? Sorry for chasing this point but I have big urgency on this one. I learnt that with GA4 the data retention on Google side won't be longer than 14 months:

This means I have to find a way to extract the data so that I do not lose data older than 14 months. Here my hope was that I can have Seotoolsforexcel as a mitigation plan (export data to Excel and build up own data repository)

The beta version of GA4 is available in Manage -> SEO.

The final version will be released before the end of July.

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Any updates on when 'Filters' and 'Segments' are going to be added?
To be honest, with the current beta version of the GA4 plugin, I am not able to do anything in the detailed reports I have created over the last years.

I hope that the next update of the GA4 plugin will have identical functionality as the current GA plugin. Thanks in advance for keeping us up to date here in this topic.

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Finally we have a build which includes all the good stuff from the previous GA3 connector. This requires a new version of SeoTools so please install from the link below and provide feedback.

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Updated version with GA4 connector opens by default when clicking the GA icon in ribbon:

Thanks for updating the GA4 plugin.
I see that almost all features are in the new connection. Except for one: Segment

I am curious why this is not in the new connector and if it will come in the next update for example.

Please let me know. Thanks!

It appears segments is not supported yet. See this thread for a workaround.

I installed the new SeoTools Version 10.

I can access now directly my GA4 Properties and I do not have to access via "Manage -> SEO" anymore like in the beta version.

It looks like that I cannot acccess my UA history data with SeoTools anymore with Version 10.

How can I access now my UA history data?

My understanding (problem) is that data old history data will only be available until end of this year (looks like it got extended until Jul 2024 ). My plan was to export and save important UA history data with Seotools. Is there any workaround how to access UA data with Seotools?