Get Text from a specific class


I'm not really into programming - so sorry for the maybe stupid/easy question....

What I need is the name of the organisation "Abai Freunde - Vida Para Todos" on a Page like the following, to be grabbed and put into a cell.ür-Spendende/hilfswerke-suchen/zertifizierte-hilfswerke-finden#detail&key=46

Since it is not marked as an hx, I fail with my knowledge, to do so.

is there a formula to get the content from a name oder a class such as
name="organisation_de" class="x-form-display-field organisation_de-value"

Pls check in Brwoser

Thank you for your help


The content you're trying to scrape are loaded with Javascript. One way to solve this is to use the PhantomJs Connector which allows you to make XPath requets after the site has loaded.