Facebook rate limit?

is there any way to maybe randomize the wait period for lookups, or introduce a delay, or any way to get around the facebook rate limitation?

i don't get if it takes 2 days to run, but i need to get facebook info a lot.


You can set a random delay in the Global HTTP Settings:

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!

so another question we are trying to sort out, do you know of recommended settings to get around rate limiting if we have to scan around 4000 lines of facebook API?

Also, the token times out after an hour and needs to be refreshed, correct?

Facebook rate limits are complicated. If I understand it correctly, available tokens are shared between all users authenticated by the same app.


It is possible to get available requests from the response headers, but this is not possible in the current Connector functionality.

Yes, they expire and needs to be refreshed. You will get an error message about this and the easiest way is just to launch the Connector, login/logout. This rarely happens to me because I restart Excel frequently and this makes SeoTools re-authenticate automatically.