I was using the Facebook connector to get some data when it stop giving results. I tried to go back and use a previous URL that worked to test it, however, the results were blank.
Sometimes the rate limit is reached for the SeoTools Facebook app and you need to wait about 30-60 minutes.
It has been 24 hours, and I tried different computers as well as connecting to different Facebook accounts and it didn't work. I just tried after your message just in case but the connector still gives me empty results.
Yes, it appears some pages (public figures) are no longer supported. Looking into this
any update?
It should work now, but you need access to a Facebook page to grant access to SeoTools Facebook app. Currently, this permission you grant is not approved by Facebook to use in our app so you will get a warning which you can ignore.
Could you give me more details about the process to do it?
If you logout and login you will see another menu where you select pages during the authentication in browser. Same as if you login via the Facebook Insights or Facebook Ads connector.
So I did as described, however, the results when you scrape for page info, the results are still empty. Any other suggestions? Maybe you could record a short clip on how to do it if its working for you
Thanks, you are correct. It should work now if you update the Facebook connector. Apparently, it's no longer allowed to request the Phone field.
I log out and update the Facebook connector and got the same results, just empty fields
do you need any other information on my side to solve it?
Do you have access to a Facebook page? If not then you can't authenticate.
yes I have access and I authenticate my account selecting a business page
Then it should work if you select at least one page during the authentication process in the browser.
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong
Thanks, looks good to me. Can you try to select all pages?
Yes, I have tried it before but it always come back empty
so could you show me how you do it if its working for you?
I am doing it the same way as you. Send an email to info@seotoolsforexcel.com and I can send you a screen recording.