Crawling Usernames from

Hi there,

I use the seo tools for excel since a long time. Especially the xPathonURL is awsome!!! Thank you Nils!!!! Now, I want to get some data from Xing. Xing is nearly the same network as Linkedin :wink:

I want to scrape all User Names of a Group.
The URL is:

The xPath looks like this: //*[@id='members-list']/ul/li[2]/div[1]/a

So this part is easy for me. But I need to login before the the tool can fetch the data. I read in the community, that I have to set the Username and PW in the ā€œglobal http Settingsā€. I figured out different ways to set them. But I donā€™t get it.

Where and in which way I have to fill the "global http setting"?
Should I type the User and PW in the area with the "1" or with the "2"?
Should I write the adress with the IP:PortNo? or the the clear ?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: