Connection error when getting moz metrics


So i'm trying to use the moz metrics function to get data off a list of URL's, and I get the following data when I drag the formula down:

Exception: Exception

Message: Permission denied: eibmgoalhpbdhcbagjakhkcoehdoemcafddl

I have added an image as attachment. Could anyone help me with this issue?



that comes up about 15 times and then I get #VALUE! for those that errored, see pic below:

Do you have the latest version?

Also, can you replace the contents of Moz.xml in the install dir/connectors folder with the following code:


I am using version 7.0.11, is that the latest version?

I have replaced the content of moz.xml with the content that you provided me, no result.

Any suggestions? I really need this data, and my free trial is running out tomorrow, ill consider buying the package if it actually works..


Perhaps you are reaching the Moz API limits in terms of throttling or available requests? Are you using the free version? If so, it is limited to 1 request / 10 seconds.

no, im using a moz free trial so i should have access to the pro functions...

@diskborste I get the same errors with the trial you gave me.

I guess the script doesn't wait 10 seconds between each request but as SEO Tools users, we can't change this.

I just tried to select the Paid account type and the same thing happens to me. I'm on a free account with Moz and am unable to register for the trial, but I suspect that the API access is not included. In the Moz Connector code, the delay is set according to the free/paid limits and if you are getting these errors, despite being on the trial, then most likely the full API access is off limits.


Ok, so I guess we don't have access to the full moz API on a free trial. Thats a shame...

Thanks for the help,


If you want, I can verify this if you send me your id/key:


I got the Pro account and still have the same issue. How to fix it?

