Authenticate for Webshrinker API

Good morning, everyone,

I need to build a connector to the webshrinker API but I don't know how to handle authentication.

The API gives 2 keys a key and a secret.

The doc says that it's a basic authentication

here are the infos :
"Basic authentication requires that you send your API access and secret key with each request to the service over HTTPS. Most programming frameworks and SDKs support sending Basic HTTP Authentication “out of the box” with a simple function call.

The access key and secret key are used as the “username” and “password” for Basic Authentication.

If you are crafting the “Authorization” header yourself it is the word “Basic” followed by the base64-encoded string “your-access-key:your-secret-key”."

GET /categories/v3/d2Vic2hyaW5rZXIuY29t HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Yzk1NDJkMDFkNjlmOjE3OTAyYzJjOWIzYQ==

How can I pass these params in the header ?

Many & many thanks for your help.

We have many connectors using Basic Authentication. I recommend searching the connectors folder for "basic". Here is one example on our Github repo: