Amazon Best Seller Rank

I am trying to scrape the Amazon "Best Sellers Rank" value from a list of ASIN's

I use the following, which for some URLs work fine, but sometimes it does not, I also try on and .de like below, with no results. It's the same path.
I have set my User-agent to my browser so it should return the identical results looking at developer tools on Edge/Chrome.




I don't understand when I can get results fine on one page but not on another, or in the case of some shops (.ca, .de, no results at all, just nothing returned.

Is there a way to look at the full returned HTML from a XPathOnUrl search?

You could add the "html" to the final XPathOnUrl formula argument, and use "//*" as the XPath:


Amazon has anti scrape measures which you might run into if you're doing a lot of asins. Try =GetTextOnUrl() on the blank results to see.

I can see amazon is returning a script I guess to stop scrapping. time to learn how to implement the SP-API in excel :frowning:

Or use