Ahrefs Api question

I have a maybe a bit stupid beginner question.
I´m using Ahrefs in Seotoolsforexcel and it works fantastic.
On the ahrefs website I see that the Api is only available for enterprise clients (not my case).
How am I using the Api ?

SeoTools for Excel has access as an enterprise client and offers our own Ahrefs app to authenticate with and gain access to the API to our users :slight_smile:

Ahh ok. Nice. Is this the case for other connectors as well ?

Typically those connectors with the Login button. Others require different type of authentication such as API key or none at all :slight_smile:

Thanks ! Not sure if I understand this... Connectors like Builtwith are available without own Api key?

Each connector works different, but BuiltWith requires API key :slight_smile:

With the Ahrefs Connector I just got the message "Integration limit exceeded".
What does this mean exactly ?

Thanks for reporting, I have contacted the Ahrefs support.

This error message is returned for users on a free plan. API access requires a paid subscription.

Well, I have a paid Ahrefs and Seotoolsforexcel Plan, and it worked before...

Do you know if they changed something on the paid plans? Never had this before. This would pretty bad. Am I the only one having this problem ?

I would contact Ahrefs directly

Not sure what to ask :grinning: That I have the Ahrefs Standard Paid Plan but I´m using the API over Seotoolsforexcel?

Yes, and tell them SeoTools returns the "API access requires a paid subscription." error message when your account makes requests.


I tried it with one site now and it works. Did not try it with bulk requests...
And another thing:
I saw a lot more interesting Ahrefs Apis here: https://docs.ahrefs.com/docs/api/reference/introduction
Would it be possible to add some ? Interesting would be these:

Any news on this one ? Thanks !

I've not had time to look at the new Ahrefs API docs. Will try to do it later this week

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