Ahrefs Api question

I have a maybe a bit stupid beginner question.
I´m using Ahrefs in Seotoolsforexcel and it works fantastic.
On the ahrefs website I see that the Api is only available for enterprise clients (not my case).
How am I using the Api ?

SeoTools for Excel has access as an enterprise client and offers our own Ahrefs app to authenticate with and gain access to the API to our users :slight_smile:

Ahh ok. Nice. Is this the case for other connectors as well ?

Typically those connectors with the Login button. Others require different type of authentication such as API key or none at all :slight_smile:

Thanks ! Not sure if I understand this... Connectors like Builtwith are available without own Api key?

Each connector works different, but BuiltWith requires API key :slight_smile: