I have a maybe a bit stupid beginner question.
I´m using Ahrefs in Seotoolsforexcel and it works fantastic.
On the ahrefs website I see that the Api is only available for enterprise clients (not my case).
How am I using the Api ?
SeoTools for Excel has access as an enterprise client and offers our own Ahrefs app to authenticate with and gain access to the API to our users
Ahh ok. Nice. Is this the case for other connectors as well ?
Typically those connectors with the Login button. Others require different type of authentication such as API key or none at all
Thanks ! Not sure if I understand this... Connectors like Builtwith are available without own Api key?
With the Ahrefs Connector I just got the message "Integration limit exceeded".
What does this mean exactly ?
Thanks for reporting, I have contacted the Ahrefs support.
This error message is returned for users on a free plan. API access requires a paid subscription.
Well, I have a paid Ahrefs and Seotoolsforexcel Plan, and it worked before...
Do you know if they changed something on the paid plans? Never had this before. This would pretty bad. Am I the only one having this problem ?
I would contact Ahrefs directly
Not sure what to ask That I have the Ahrefs Standard Paid Plan but I´m using the API over Seotoolsforexcel?
Yes, and tell them SeoTools returns the "API access requires a paid subscription." error message when your account makes requests.
I tried it with one site now and it works. Did not try it with bulk requests...
And another thing:
I saw a lot more interesting Ahrefs Apis here: https://docs.ahrefs.com/docs/api/reference/introduction
Would it be possible to add some ? Interesting would be these:
Any news on this one ? Thanks !
I've not had time to look at the new Ahrefs API docs. Will try to do it later this week
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