Google Search Analytics | Keep crashing

I am trying to get a dump out of the Google Search Console.

Every time Excel is crashing and send me an exception "The operation has timed out" --> Insert values failed.

I guess there is a problem related to the date. I tried to get the results of the whole last year. If I take a shorter period e.g. 6 Months it is performing well also with a "big" dump (100.000 hits)

Here some extra informations |

  • I tried values between 10 and 200.000 results.

  • I could replicate the problem in a blank new file and a fresh excel start up.

  • The URL structure I am trying to get the dump from looks like this:

  • Although I tried another domain with this structure and its performing well.

  • The processing seemed to me slower than usually

Have you updated the Connector? We've made some improvements recently.

I updated today to the new SEO-Tools for Excel Version. I had no "time out" related the the domain of this topic.

Seems to me that the issue is fixed. Thank you for that.

Update | It crashed again but long time later in comparaison to the version before.

Hi, thanks for the update. As an experiment, can you edit the file GoogleSearchConsole.xml (located in the install folder/Connectors), row 116:

<Paging PageSize="10000" DefaultTake="1000" EvenPages="false"/>

Change PageSize = "10000" to PageSize="1000"

Restart Excel and test if it still crashes.