Dump() Challenge

Dump() is indispensable for automatically outputting array results to an unknown number of rows (or columns). For example, =Dump( A2:A4 ) will simply dump the values of cells A2 through A4 into the current cell and next 2 rows.

The Challenge:
Is there a way to first perform a calculation on the range in order to dump the results of each calculation? I want to convert the values shown below by using a formula like this: =Dump( A2:A4 / 100 ).

So if I place the preceding formula into B2, I should get the array values of {0.5;0.75;1.5} dumped into B2:B4.

Unfortunately, Dump() doesn't seem to work in this case (I'm using SeoTools v7.0.11). However, if I dump the static array results as, =Dump( {0.5;0.75;1.5} ), it works as expected. I don't know if this is a bug or by design?

I know... the first response is to tell me to use =A2 / 100 in B2 and simply copy the formula into cells B3 & B4. My use case is the connector for SEMrush.DomainOrganicSearchKeywords, where CPC is returned as [U.S.] cents rather than dollars, as desired. I would prefer to use Dump() to output the converted results since the rows count may not be readily known.

Has anyone been able to use this technique?

That is a great question! I've made some progress with this:

However, can't get further. Tried different tricks with Stringjoin, sumproduct etc. I don't think SeoTools are made to handle this. I could write a VBA function if you want, but I take it this is more of an SeoTools academic challenge? :slight_smile:

HaHa - yes, exactly! I actually thought about saying this is more of an academic challenge, but figured that might lose others' attention.