Blank Cells When Using Stringjoin - Excess Separators

I noticed when using StringJoin, if there happen to be some blank cells in the range, it results in extra separators. I'm using the latest beta right now, if that's of any importance. Is there an option perhaps to not add a separator when any of the cells in the range are blank/empty?

I'm thinking a more genric way to do this would be to filter out all cells that are empty and the send it to StringJoin.

With current version of SeoTools this can be done using the Razor template function like this:

=Razor("@string.Join("","",((object[])Model.Args).Where(e => !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)e)))";A1:A3)

(Found a bug in Razor so you'll actually need to wait until next beta release to use this.)

Excel in general is missing a lot of good array functionality.