Adwords Connector: API deprecated version


when I try to access my adwords campaigns through SeoTools I get the following exception:

Additionaly Google wrote me that I'm currently using a deprecated version of the Adwords API

Can anyone or @nielsbosma tell me, if SeoTools is still using the old Adwords API Version and if yes - are there any plans to migrate to the newer version?

Thanks in advance

Kind Regards

Hi Tobi,

Thank you for reporting this. We are working on a new version of the Adwords Connector which should be out soon. The Adwords Connector, along with GA is built inside SeoTools and not as a separate connectors, which makes this change more comprehensive.

Apologies if this has caused you any issues.


We have created a new version which should include a working connector of Adwords. Can you try it and tell me if it works as expected?

I'm having similar problems while connecting my adwords account, although my error is different.


I was first using the 8.0.6 version but then changed to v8.0.11 but I got the same error