Not installing on my PC

Thanks for that offer. Unfortunately I can't provide access to this computer, as it runs in a VM within a corporate environment. But mabe you can tell me whether I made a mistake when unzipping your archive and installing the plugin from within Excel via selecting the file SeoTools64.xll from the extracted archive? I didn't install plugins before and just tried to manage installation from my intuition and experience.

That should be the correct approach. Is there any security within your VM/corporate environment that would block you from installing add-ins?

I have full access to the VM and can manage installations in there with admin rights. However, the VM has no Internet access. After talking to our head of IT I received a list of suspicious activity the MSI is supposed to apply on/after installation. This list was handed over to me by him after checking the MSI with the help of Sophos Sandstorm. Maybe there's a relation to the missing Internet access?

Maybe you wanna state something regarding the suspicious activity mentioned?

• Office performs a HTTP download
• Reads data from the local Windows system configuration
• Tries to access unused Windows system drive letters
• Office application uses DDEAUTO
• Excessive number of file write operations by a process

• Changes the permissions of a memory region used by system libraries

It has been argued that this should not be part of the expected regular functionality of this plugin.

(Hope I could clarify everything no matter how poor my English is)