XpathOnUrl return throws error


I think i am missing something here or not coded properly to get the information i want. Could you please help me with it.


In the above link i need to get the following infirmation Michael M Kinoshita and Owner

option1 : =XPathOnUrl("http://www.manta.com/c/mbs6p3l/1042-mazatlan-circle-llc","//div[@class='media']/div/div/span/a/text()")

option 2 : =XPathOnUrl("http://www.manta.com/c/mbs6p3l/1042-mazatlan-circle-llc","//span[@class='media-heading']/a/text()")

[1]: http://www.manta.com/c/mbs6p3l/1042-mazatlan-circle-llc

Remove the text() part.

Thanks Niel much appreciated.

But i still have the issue this =XPathOnUrl("http://www.manta.com/c/mbs6p3l/1042-mazatlan-circle-llc","//span[@class='media-heading']/a") doesnt work either.

Please could you try for yourself in an excel sheet and let me know if the above works for you?

Please anyone could advice on this?