Extract data from Gmail messages

Hello, I use SeoTools mainly for scraping price information from various websites (thanks diskborste for help recently). The program works nicely, thanks for a great tool. Since I buy a lot from Amazon and re-sell on eBay (not dropshipping, I store the stuff in between), I get a lot of messages from both sites. I would like to extract data from the Amazon "item shipped" messages incl. date and price from Gmail and also my "congratulations, item sold" messages from eBay. Right now I do this manually, which is error-prone, tedious, and time-consuming. Is this something Seotools can do? If yes I'd send some sample messages and more information. I think data extraction from gmail is something that possibly interests more people. I couldn't find anything in the forum on this.

Hi Andreas,

Thank you for the kind words. You should check out the Gmail Connector located here:

Here is the documentation page:

Hi Diskborste (I knew what this means without looking it up:)
thanks for the help. I had forgotten about the connector, I managed to extract headers and snippets, but not the complete mail body in either HTML or normal text format. Is that possible and if so: HOW?
Your example works, =Dump(Connector("Gmail.MailLookup";A2;"Date,Subject,Snippet,From";true))
but e.g. "body" for the whole text (instead of Snippet) did not work. Is extraction of the text body supported?
Thanks, Andreas


Yes it is possible, but if I remember correctly, it was very tricky because mail bodies were in different formats depending on which mail service it was sent from. Also, links, attachments and formatting made it even more complex.